Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Countdown to Amicalola: The Days Are Falling Away

Anna Ruby Falls, near Unicoi State Park in Northern Georgia. Two streams actually meet below the falls, which explains the two separate sets of falls shown in the picture.

Date: February 4, 2015
Current Week: 02/04/15 - 02/10/15
Days until Amicalola: 49
Pounds to next weight goal: 8.2 (-2.4)
Total Gain Last Week: 0.6
Weight Goals Met: 0
Minutes Exercised, Yesterday: 25
Minutes Exercised, Last Week: 202
Minutes Exercised, Week: 0
Miles Hiked, Yesterday: 0
Miles Hiked, Week: 0
Miles Hiked, 2015: 2.66

So this week ended as it began, with two straight days of going in the right direction. Now only if those three days over the weekend hadn't gone as they did. I'm a bit disappointed in that, but am pretty realistic about the situation. I'm fighting over 30 years of instincts, inclinations, and bad habits, and to expect to just be rid of them overnight is a bit delusional. Instead of looking at this week as a failure, I consider it just a tough week in the journey that still had some promise. After all, I tried out some equipment that may be necessary. I conquered Hawk Hill. And most of the days of the week I did lose weight.

Therefore I turn my gaze to the future. In seven weeks, the real journey begins. It's going to be pretty busy during that time, wrapping up things so I can head out, planning hike logistics, and continuing to get meaningful exercise in. From experience I know that those seven weeks will be here much quicker than they seem. I know I won't be completely ready for everything that will come my way. I'll settle for being as ready as I possibly can be.

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