Thursday, March 19, 2015

Countdown to Amicalola: Sinister Six

I'm aware that this is another repeat. But I am looking forward to walking over this Appalachian Trail marker. If only because it means I'm in Hot Springs, NC, which means it may be about time for a zero (or nearo) day. It also means a relatively flat walk through town.

Date: March 19, 2015
Current Week: 03/18/15 - 03/24/15
Days until Amicalola: 6
Pounds to next weight goal: 8.0 (+2.6)
Total gained Last Week: 0.2
Total Lost Entire Period: 8.2
Weight Goals Met: 0
Minutes Exercised, Yesterday: 15
Minutes Exercised, Last Week: 195
Minutes Exercised, Week: 15
Miles Hiked, Yesterday: 0.00
Miles Hiked, 2015: 3.76

As mentioned yesterday, Wednesday was a departure from the first two days of the week. This can be blamed on some excellent German beer (and some good German food) that my cousin and I ate at a Hofbrauhaus in Rosemont. I would have liked to kept the streak for the week going, but as it's my last week before the hike, farewell meals and get togethers are bound to happen. I'll likely have a similar report tomorrow, as there was more beer and high-calorie foods this evening, this time for a after-hours get together with some of my co-workers.

Hard to believe that in less than 100 hours we'll be in Georgia, preparing for the real deal to begin the day after that. Most of my packing is done, but there's still a bunch of little tasks here and there, things I need to get done so moving stuff into the storage area on Saturday will be a smooth affair.

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