Sunday, March 8, 2015

Countdown to Amicalola; Just Making it up as I Go Along

Miners (not Minors) Castle, from an overlook at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. From this overlook you can walk down stairs and pathways to a point about even with the rock formation. Why was it called a "castle"? Well, there used to be a second "tower" on the formation, which gave it the appearance of a rocky stronghold on the edge of Lake Superior.

Date: March 8, 2015
Current Week: 03/04/15 - 03/10/15
Days until Amicalola: 17
Pounds to next weight goal: N/A (N/A)
Total lost Last Week: 3.2
Total Lost Entire Period: N/A
Weight Goals Met: 0
Minutes Exercised, Yesterday: 50
Minutes Exercised, Last Week: 165
Minutes Exercised, Week: 101
Miles Hiked, Yesterday: 0.00
Miles Hiked, 2015: 3.76

I once again did not weigh in. Not because of the bad results from Thursday and Friday, but because I wasn't where my scale was to weigh in before I ate the first meal of the day. I can't imagine Saturday would have been good, but Sunday may have been OK. I got a fair amount of exercise, walking almost fifty minutes (with another ten or so that I didn't record). I had two calorie rich meals and some snacks, but the meals weren't completely overboard. It was the prime example of how to do a weekend day involving a visit of my parents.

Now that they are back down in Ridge Farm, my thoughts turn to the final two weeks and change before this hike gets started. I've got a lot to do to clear out of my apartment by the weekend after next. I've started packing things away to be put into storage, and have started throwing things out I won't be keeping, but both tasks have just begun. I'm also going to put together an app that Erin and I can use to get acquainted with the trees we'll see along our hike. Not sure when I'll get any sleep the next couple weeks.

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