Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Hiking Training Plan: Week 11 Recap

Week: August 26 - September 2 (8 days)
Miles Hiked (Week): 6.05
Miles Hiked (August): 15.39
Miles Hiked (September): 4.19
Miles Hiked, (August Goal): 15
Miles Hiked, (September Goal): 20
Miles Hiked (Yearly Total): 44.63
Pounds Gained (Week): 1.2
Pounds Lost (Total): 17.4
Nights Camped (Week): 0
Nights Camped (Total): 4
Nights Camped (Backpacking): 0

Stupid holiday weekends, with all the things to eat and drink. I'm sure it didn't help that the cookout was the day before I weighed in, but I still could have done better. Fortunately, this is the last holiday weekend until Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, there are going to be a few more weekends that will effectively be short vacations. I just have to be smarter, and keep going out on the trail.

Speaking of the trail, it wasn't a complete failure of a week. I made it out to Forest Glen on a warm Saturday to walk the Old Barn Trail, clinching my goal of 15 miles for August. In addition, I went up to Kennekuk County Park on Monday and walked the Windfall Prairie and Collins Area trails. All in all I walked over six miles for the long weekend, getting a good start on my September hiking goal.

This week will just be a pretty standard week, with this weekend being a good chance to rack up some miles on the trail. I'm planning on hiking in WI and northern IL, hoping to knock out at least a couple of hikes for "Hiking the Lists". Hopefully it will go as good as this past week in terms of hiking, while improving upon the "getting into shape" part.

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