Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hiking Training Plan, Week #10

Week: August 19 - August 25
Miles Hiked (Week): 5.28
Miles Hiked (Month): 13.53
Miles Hiked, (Month Goal): 15
Miles Hiked (Yearly Total): 38.58
Pounds Lost (Week): 0.8
Pounds Lost (Total): 18.6
Nights Camped (Week): 1
Nights Camped (Total): 4
Nights Camped (Backpacking): 0

So this week is going in the right direction, if not as quickly as I'd like. Still, any progress is good progress. I'm now slightly less than 1.5 miles away from my goal for the month, with one hiking day left to go. Unfortunately, it looks like this Saturday is going to be a warm one. However, it won't be that much warmer than this past Sunday, and I walked over three miles that day. As long as I stay out of the sun and take enough water it should be fine.

As you can see in the running totals, I spent a night camping this weekend. This time it was way up in Northwestern Wisconsin at a campground high above the Eau Galle Reservoir. It was supposed to be two nights, but the threat of storms (and the incoming warm front) led me to break camp on Saturday and hole up in a hotel. It was a nice campground, quiet and secluded, with a nice shower and restroom nearby. The trails are pretty limited, although it was a fairly steep walk down to the shoreline and back. I actually had fun making my way back up on a very steep trail. Now, if the trail had been longer, or had it been the end of the day rather than the beginning, I doubt I would have enjoyed it so much. Still, that is a rare thing for me to enjoy walking up a hill.

Although I did stay in the air conditioned and pizza filled comforts of a hotel Saturday night, I made up for it on Sunday, walking the most difficult trail at Mirror Lake State Park.* I'll share more about this eventually, as it is one of the hikes that will be part of my "Hiking the Lists" feature. Suffice it to say that it wasn't overly difficult, but it sure had plenty of ups and downs. Though short, they got kind of tiring, particularly since most of the trail was without anything approaching a view of the lake. Still, two down, 58 to go in Wisconsin.

So once again, I am trying to hit my exercise and calorie goals this week. Saturday is the last day I have to hit my hiking goal, and I'll be down in Ridge Farm, so it will likely be Forest Glen that I'll be attempting to do that. Next month the goal number goes up by another five miles, so I'll have to get at it to hit that for September.

*According to the park.

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