Miles Hiked (Total Period): 13.51
Miles Hiked (October): 13.51
Miked Hiked (October Goal): 30
Miles Hiked (Yearly Total): 167.95
Pounds Lost: 1.8Percentage to Next Milestone: 45.00%
Pounds Lost (Total): 19.6
Weekly Goal Met: No
Nights Camped (Weeks): 0
Nights Camped (Total): 5
Nights Camped (Backpacking): 0
Alright, it's been three weeks, I've done a bit of hiking, and one monster of a web site has been released, meaning things return to normal. Or at least as normal as it usually is. Considering the extra hours, and a weekend of being at work and on call, I'm surprised I was able to lose weight during the period at all.