Thursday, October 23, 2014

AT's AT Hiking Training Plan, Week Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Eight, and Twenty-Nine

Weeks: September 29 - October 19 (21 Days)
Miles Hiked (Total Period): 13.51
Miles Hiked (October): 13.51
Miked Hiked (October Goal): 30
Miles Hiked (Yearly Total): 167.95
Pounds Lost: 1.8
Percentage to Next Milestone: 45.00%
Pounds Lost (Total):  19.6
Weekly Goal Met: No
Nights Camped (Weeks): 0
Nights Camped (Total): 5
Nights Camped (Backpacking): 0

Alright, it's been three weeks, I've done a bit of hiking, and one monster of a web site has been released, meaning things return to normal. Or at least as normal as it usually is. Considering the extra hours, and a weekend of being at work and on call, I'm surprised I was able to lose weight during the period at all.

During this period I hiked two more trails from my list of Wisconsin hikes (Potawatomi State Park and Whitefish Dunes State Park, both located in Door County, Wisconsin). I also hiked with my brother and sister at Turkey Run in Parke County, Indiana. I also hiked at Volo Bog and Horicon Marsh on a chilly October day, often just by myself with the brave birds and chipmunks that ventured out that day.

Even though my weight loss hasn't been as good as I'd like, I'm eating better and I'm getting more exercise. For the past three weeks I've walked 30 minutes a day at least three times during the week, not counting the hiking and walking I've done on the weekend. I even have started walking up the 100 stairs to the office where I work every day after lunch. Also, I'm getting my vitamins, and I feel more energetic. Spinach, carrots, broccoli, and other leafy things have found their way into my diet, and I've even drastically cut back on the amount of diet pop I drink. I'm not perfect, and I'd do better if I didn't enjoy grease and sugar so much, but it's helped me get through the tough days of work.

Unfortunately, the leaves are starting to fall, and it probably won't be too long before the first flakes of snow fall. Once the snow and ice comes to town, my hiking will be curtailed (but not eliminated entirely). I'm hoping that won't be for several weeks yet, and even when it comes that I'll be able to get to southern Illinois to hike.

For now, though, the snow appears to be staying away. This weekend I'm planning on doing a ten mile day. Not sure where or when, but I'll have the details of this challenge in next week's edition.

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