Thursday, September 25, 2014

AT's AT Hiking Training Plan, Week Twenty-Five

Weeks: September 16 - September 21 (6 Days)
Miles Hiked (Total Period): 4.13
Miles Hiked (September): 12.69
Miked Hiked (September Goal): 30
Miles Hiked (Yearly Total): 149.44
Pounds Lost: 2.4
Percentage to Next Milestone: 47.00%
Pounds Lost (Total):  20.0
Weekly Goal Met: No
Nights Camped (Weeks): 0
Nights Camped (Total): 5
Nights Camped (Backpacking): 0

Another week, another steady move in the right direction. I got one good hike in, this time amid the pines and oaks of White Pines Forest State Park near Oregon, Illinois. Best of all, it included three evenings where I pushed past the dinner problem I frequently have. This was despite several days being long work days, and thus more challenging.

However, this current week is even more challenging. I haven't yet worked as long as last Tuesday and Friday, but the impending deadline has rendered me less likely to stick to my schedule. I've not fallen completely off, still severely limiting my non meal eating, and significantly reducing the amount of diet pop that I drink. I haven't completely given up pop, but I don't drink it at home save for occasional meals when I buy it at at a drive through. Also, most of my lunches I've been drinking iced tea, although on a few occasions I've accidentally ordered pop out of habit. For the most part I am about as happy drinking the tea as I am drinking the pop.

Due to some additional changes to the project I'm working on, the launch date has been pushed back a bit. Although this has added stress, it also means that most likely I'll have time to hike this weekend. I'm not sure if I'll hit the goal for this month, as I still need over 17 miles to get it done. I've yet to walk that much in one weekend. I guess we'll just have to wait for next week to find out.

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