Tuesday, September 16, 2014

AT's AT Hiking Training Plan, Week Twenty-Four

Weeks: September 9 - September 15 (7 Days)
Miles Hiked (Total Period): 6.86
Miles Hiked (September): 8.56
Miked Hiked (September Goal): 30
Miles Hiked (Yearly Total): 145.31
Pounds Lost: 3.8
Percentage to Next Milestone: 35.00%
Pounds Lost (Total):  17.6
Weekly Goal Met: Yes
Nights Camped (Weeks): 0
Nights Camped (Total): 5
Nights Camped (Backpacking): 0

After several weeks without more than a mile or two of hiking, I get someone back to form in week twenty-five with over six miles. And unlike some of my recent hikes I hiked the roller coaster of a trail at Indian Lake County Park in Dane County, Wisconsin. Other than a hike up Forest Glen's infamous Hawk Hill in July, it was by far the toughest hike I've done since I got back from the southern Appalachians.

On top of a good weekend of hiking, I also made a significant improvement on the healthy eating front. While not being completely successful every day (due in part to working extra hours) I did have two very healthy dinners. Even the days I had lousy food for dinner, I still reduced the overall amount of food consumed, while staying away from out of control snacking.

So where do I go from here? Although this was a good week, there is still plenty of room for improvement. If I had two good dinners this past week, I should have at least three this week. Also, I still have yet to get back into a regular weekday walking schedule. Hopefully I can get this back in gear this week as well.

Things are looking encouraging, but I know how easy it can be to slip up. As long as I keep the slip ups small, and get right back on the path, I'm sure I'll do fine.

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