Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hiking Training Plan: Week #18

Week: October 15 - 21
Miles Hiked (Week): 7.75
Miles Hiked (October): 16.55
Miles Hiked, (October Goal): 30
Miles Hiked (Yearly Total): 87.48
Pounds Gained (Week): 1.4
Pounds Lost (Total):  18.4
Weekly Goal Met: No
Nights Camped (Week): 0
Nights Camped (Total): 8
Nights Camped (Backpacking): 1

So it appears that I've hit a plateau that I can't quite get off of, at least in regards to the fitness portion of the plan. It didn't help this past week that I was involved in code releases for my job two of the nights, which certainly threw me off schedule. Also, I still am having issues with figuring out how to keep things together on the weekend. It certainly wasn't as bad as it has been some weeks, but it can definitely be better.

On the hiking front of the plan, things went much better. I didn't get as many miles as I would have liked to keep pace to hit my ambitious goal for October, but I did get a nice number. Although many of those miles were on roads and mostly flat trails at Forest Glen and Turkey Run State Park, some was spent on trail 3 at Turkey Run. For those of you that are unfamiliar with the trail, it's pretty much just walking up and down  streambeds at the bottom of ravines, except for the part where you climb a ladder. I didn't do that part, but I did have to make my way up slick rocks, across narrow paths carved out of the side of the rock, and over a very small waterfall.  It was certainly a workout for both my body and my nerves.

Despite having 31 days, this October only has four weekends. As such, it makes hitting my goal for the month a long shot, considering the first weekend I only made it about 2 miles. For the first time in weeks, I will be staying at my apartment this weekend. However, that doesn't mean I won't be making an attempt to hit that 30 mile mark. There are plenty of hikes within a couple hours of Schaumburg, including many that are part of the "Hiking the Lists" group in Illinois and Wisconsin. To hit my goal, I'd need about 6.75 miles each day this weekend. It's not out of the question, but it's certainly going to be tough.

Things are starting to quiet down somewhat at work, so I'm hoping some of those stresses and issues going away will make it easier for me to get back on track. I've got a few weeks before the weather will turn really cold and make it harder for me to get out hiking without travelling several hours south or becoming more adept at winter hiking. In addition, it will also be a tough time of the year at staying on plan, due to the holidays and their accompanying foods and disruptions to schedules. If I can get started now, perhaps I will be in a better place to make it through those tough winter months.

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