Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Journey: Week One

Dates: April 5-11
Weight Change (Week): +1.6 lbs
Weight Change (Total): +1.6 lbs

So, uh yeah, that didn't go as well as I would have hoped. I suppose I shouldn't have started this journey the Thursday before Easter, as peanut butter eggs, jelly beans, and other sugary treats were far too tempting. This was coupled with a significant lack of exercise, at least through the weekend, a big disappointment considering the exercise I got on my trip to the Appalachians. All in all, it was not a good week.

However, it could have been worse. Starting on Monday, I began taking a morning walk with my father through the cemetery in Ridge Farm and back to their house. It's only about a 20-25 minute walk for about 1.15 miles, but it is a good start to the day, and has helped out. The walking, plus some slight improvements in my diet the last three days of the week did limit the weight gain to what is effectively within a margin of error.

Looking ahead, I am taking off on another trip this weekend, this time to Yosemite and other points west. I hope to be getting plenty of exercise and attempt to eat healthier if not completely healthy. My sister will be going with me, so I'm hoping maybe we both can inspire our better angels to take control on the road.

Until next time,


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