Tuesday, June 3, 2014

AT's AT Hiking Training Plan, Week Nine

Week: May 26 - June 1 (7 Days)
Miles Hiked (Week): 4.10
Miles Hiked (May): 30.00
Miles Hiked, (May Goal): 30
Miles Hiked (June): 1.10
Miles Hiked, (June Goal): 40
Miles Hiked (Yearly Total): 58.60
Pounds Lost: 1.8
Percentage to Next Milestone: 18.87%
Pounds Lost (Total):  2.0
Weekly Goal Met: No
Nights Camped (Week): 0
Nights Camped (Total): 2
Nights Camped (Backpacking): 0

As much as I'd like to, I can't call this a second consecutive week of progress on the weight loss front. Sure, it's the second straight recorded period where I've lost weight. However, I did post an update for last week, despite not having an official weigh-in.

Nevertheless, I'm happy for the continued trend. True, I didn't get the miles in that I had hoped for this past weekend. This was due in large part to a rather annoying cold that I seem to have picked up. While not debilitating me completely, it did slow me down and prevent me from hitting eight miles on the weekend, let alone in one day. Still, I did get over four miles in along two portions of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail in Wisconsin. Neither section was overly difficult (especially the second, which was part paved path, part boardwalk along the shore of Devil's Lake), but it was warm enough that the prairie walk that constituted half of my hike at Kettle Moraine State Forest was a bit challenging.

Looking ahead, it's going to be tough to hit my goals this month. Unlike previous months, my days open for hiking are somewhat more limited this month, despite having a larger mileage goal. I'm planning on backloading a lot of it into the last weekend (certainly with a night camping, perhaps backpacking if I feel so inclined), and getting the rest done when I can over the next few weeks. Here's hoping I can continue the trend in a positive way, now that I've hit my hiking goal for two straight months.

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