Tuesday, April 22, 2014

AT's AT 2015 Hiking Training Plan, Week Three

Skunk Cabbage at Forest Glen creating a blanket of green in a seep
Week: April 14 - April 21 (8 Days)
Miles Hiked (Week): 3.46
Miles Hiked (April): 12.66
Miles Hiked, (April Goal): 20
Miles Hiked (Yearly Total): 19.16
Pounds Lost (Weeks 2 and 3): 0.6
Percentage to Next Milestone: 11.11%
Pounds Lost (Total):  1.2
Weekly Goal Met: No
Nights Camped (Week): 0
Nights Camped (Total): 2
Nights Camped (Backpacking): 0

Well, I suppose this can be called a victory. I hiked almost 3.5 miles on a "Hiking the Lists" trail that I had planned on doing many times, but chickened out (or wasn't feeling fit enough to tackle). In addition, I lost some more weight, the second of two official weigh-ins in the new training plan period where I've gone down. Considering this came after Easter weekend, a time full of high calorie foods and riddled with candy, probably makes it better. Nevertheless, it's a small victory at best.

If I'm to get myself down to a "fighting weight" for the trail, I will need to pick up the pace. A rate of 1.2 pounds over three weeks is just not going to cut it. I have a little bit of cushion, but a lot of it has already evaporated. I've got a small goal in two weeks, then a much larger one at the end of May. While the first one isn't so important, goal #2 is critical.

Fortunately, the weather is getting warmer and I'm in a stretch of weeks without too many special events or messed up routines. I should consider it a good starting point that I'm even down a little bit, and take these weeks to really get in gear. I should be able to hit 20 miles for April this weekend, and can build off my progress of simple dinners and walking during the week.

Although the entire period between now and next March is crucial for figuring out how to get on the trail, the next couple months are the most important for me to establish a pattern of good habits. Without that, I won't be able to put myself in a position to succeed next year. All I can really do is just keep putting one foot in front of the other, until I finally get things taken care of.

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